Over the last twenty years David has been privately coaching and consulting to Christian CEOs, entrepreneurs, business owners, sports champions and politicians from all over the world. 

People who have heard him speak, have constantly come up to him and asked where they can get access to more of the teaching and training that they have just encountered.

They tell him that the teaching has so impacted them, and yet, they haven’t come across anyone who coaches and trains Christian business people on how to operate in the Supernatural in the marketplace.

David has partnered with the Hope Unlimited Church to establish the HopeUC Centre of Excellence (COE) – a virtual “Supernatural Business Academy”.

The COE is a vocational training college and a faith-based academy rolled into one dynamic expression. Each of the course streams are designed to bring high level practical and spiritual training in a coaching style delivery model in such a way that it translates powerfully into the Monday to Friday marketplace expressions of the saints.

The delivery of the courses is tailored to meet the practical needs and capacity of different students. There is the option of a live virtual classroom and also on demand virtual training … this means that no matter where you live on the earth, you will be able to access Supernatural Marketplace Training sessions from your laptop or smartphone.

We look forward to engaging with you soon.

 – Supernatural Business Academy


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Marketplace Ministry, marketplace, kingdom, apostolic, prophetic, church, Jesus, Five fold ministry, coach, equip, saints, Australia, Body of Christ, apostolic reformation.

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